Fair Chair Platform

Sign supporting the Fair Chair Platform (Photo: Lisbeth Kirk)

Fair Chair Platform

Political programme for reforming the Parliament. The aim was to give more rights to individual members and to make political groups more equal. Established by the SOS Democracy inter group, before the election for the president of the Parliament in 1997.

Jens-Peter Bonde run for SOS Democracy and got 76 votes. Pat Cox was elected, and carried out several of the reforms suggested by the Fair Chair Platform.

In 2006/7 the Fair Chair Platform was reviewed. Bonde stood again and obtained 46 votes. The Green group co-president Monica Frassoni supported the programme and obtained 145 votes. Hans-Gert Pöttering won as expected with 450 votes.

After the elections, the Conference of Presidents (CoP) established a working group for reform. 25 October 2007 the first package of reforms was adopted. The working group was led by former EP Vice President, Dagmar Roth-Behrendt, SPD.