United Kingdom
- Tower Bridge in London (Photo: Blake Evans-Pritchard)
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom has a population of 61.63
million and an area of 244,000 km2. It joined the EU on 1 January
1973 without holding a referendum.
Prime Minister David Cameron has promised
the British voters a referendum on continued membership by 2017.
By then he hopes to have renegotiated certain
sensitive topics and can present the voters for a better EU in the eyes of the
British EU sceptical voters. Britain will have the Presidency in the EU just
before the referendum.
- Harold Wilson's Labour government renegotiated
membership conditions and held a referendum on continued membership in
- Prime Minister Tony Blair accepted the social protocol after
"New Labour" gained power in 1997.
- In April 2004, Tony Blair accepted that the
European Constitution should be adopted in the EU by a referendum.
- In 2007 Blair took away the promise of referendum
and was succeeded by Gordon Brown.
- In 2008, a British businessperson Stewart Wheeler
started a court case against the government to obtain a referendum. He
- In the European elections in June 2009 the UKIP,
party for withdrawal of the EU gained the same number of seats as the
governing Labour party.
- The Conservative party leader, David Cameron,
said he would call for a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty if he
would become the prime minister before the last ratification of the Lisbon
- 3 November 2009 Vaclav Klaus signed
the Treaty as the last country. Cameron then said he would negotiate
certain British opt-outs.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office http://www.fco.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=1007029390554
Official websites http://www.europarl.eu.int/enlargement_new/member_states_Links_en.htm#uk