Cyprus has a population of 0.79 million, and an area of 9,251 km2.
It has been a member of the EU since May 1 2004 and has had an Association agreement since 1972.
It applied for membership in 1990. It got the possibility of EU membership at the summit in Copenhagen in December 2002. In May 2004 it became a member of the EU.
- In 1974, the island was invaded by Turkey, which still occupies the northern part.
- In 2004 the UN plan for peaceful unification of the island was rejected in a referendum by the Greek part of Cyprus.
- The citizens of the Turkish part however have accepted the plan.
- Now, although the entire Island is officially member of the EU, the EU's Acquis Commaunautaire only applies to the Greek part.
- In order to become a full member of the EU, the Turkish part will need the agreement of the Greek Cypriots.