Budget for 2011
The EU budget for 2011 was agreed in December 2010 and approximated to 141.9 billion EUR.
EU custom duties and sugar levies – 16,777 billion EUR
VAT from the member states – 13,787 billion EUR
Payments from member states by GNI – 94,502 billion EUR
Miscellaneous + surpluses from the previous year (p.m.) – 1,460 billion EUR
Total income – 126,527 billion EUR (1% of GNI)
Expenditure (commitments)
Sustainable growth – 53.3 billion EUR (of which 13.5 billion for Competitiveness and 51.0 billion for Cohesion)
Preservation and management of natural resources – 58.7 billion EUR (of which 42.9 billion was for Direct payments and market related expenditure and 14.4 billion for Rural development, environment and fisheries)
Citizenship, freedom, security and justice – 1.8 billion EUR (of which 1.1 billion was for Freedom, security and justice and 0.7 billion for Citizenship)
The EU as a global player – 8.8 billion EUR
Administrative expenditure (for all EU institutions) – 8.2 billion EUR (of which 3.3 billion was for the Commission)
Total expenditure - 141.9 billion EUR (~1% of GNI)
See also Budget 2010