Telicka, Pavel (1965 - )
Liberal MEP since 2014. ALDE.
For a few weeks in 2004 forseen as Czech commissioner, before Vladimir Spidla has been designated.
Pavel Telicka was born to diplomat parents in Washington, he obtained a law degree from Prague's Charles University in 1986. The same year, he joined the then - Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In 1990 he became adviser in the CSFR delegation for the negotiations on the Europe Agreement, in 1993 he was nominated to Head of the Czech Mission to the European Communities, in 1996 he is the Director General of Integration Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 1998 Deputy Minister, shortly after also Chief Negotiator for the accession of the Czech Republic to the EU.
In 2003 designated Ambassador to the European Communities. In 2004 February, when the government's first choice, former Environment Minister Milos Kuzvart, changed his mind at the last minute, he was asked to be the commissioner on the behalf of the Czech Republic.
Telicka's nomination created a bitter debate in Prague, because Christian Democrats were unable to forgive his joining to the communist party in the late 80's and his career under the former regime. He should have had shadowed Health and Consumer protection commissioner David Byrne.